Integration Without Redirection

Integration Steps

Integration Without Redirection

11/03/2022 2023-04-27 16:10

Step 1 - Initiate payment

In this step we will initiate a payment.

  • Sandbox URL :
  • Live URL :
  • Request method : POST



  • amount: Payment amount (required)
  • note: Note about the payment (required)
  • first_name: Buyer’s first name (required)
  • last_name: Buyer’s first name (required)
  • email:  Buyer’s e-mail (required)
  • phone: Buyer’s phone number (required)
  • return_url: The URL to which the user is redirected after finishing payment (optional)
  • cancel_url: The URL to which the user is redirected after canceling payment (optional)
  • webhook_url: The URL to which Paymee sends the payment status (required)
  • order_id: The order ID at the merchant’s side (optional)
    "amount": 220.25,
    "note": "Order #123",
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "+21611222333",
    "return_url": "",
    "cancel_url": "",
    "webhook_url": "",
    "order_id": "244557"


We will use the payment_url in the next step.

   "status": true,
   "message": "Success",
   "code": 50,
   "data": {
            "token": "dfe54df34b54df3a854f3a53fc85a",
            "order_id": "244557",
            "first_name": "John",
            "last_name": "Doe",
            "email": "",
            "phone": "+21611222333",
            "note": "Order #123",
            "amount": 220.25,
            "payment_url": ""

Step 2 - Load gateway in an iframe

In this step we will load the Paymee gateway in an iframe. The iframe’s src contains the token as shown below :

En Sandbox, les paiements sont effectués avec un compte Paymee pour faciliter les tests.
Le paiement par carte bancaire sera activé en Production.

Test account :

  • Phone: 11111111
  • Password: 11111111

Once the payment process is done the iframe will create a javascript event paymee.complete.
Add the following JavaScript to detect the event. The Callback URL is the page that will go to Step 3.

					window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
    if( === 'paymee.complete') {
        //Execute Step 3
        window.location.replace("Callback URL");
}, false);   

Step 3 - Check payment

At this Step, Paymee has sent the payment status to your webhook_url.

Your return_url  verifies the payment_status and processes the order accordingly.

To check the integrity of the response, use check_sum.

check_sum is built as follows: md5(token+payment_status(1 or 0)+API Token)


Data sent to the webhook_url when payment is successful

    "token": "dfe54df34b54df3a854f3a53fc85a",
    "check_sum": "14efe54d8664f34543a854f3a5213fc85a",
    "payment_status": True,
    "order_id": "244557",
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "+21611222333",
    "note": "Order #123",
    "amount": 220.25,
    "transaction_id": 5578,
    "received_amount": 210.25,
    "cost": 10

Data sent to the webhook_url when payment fails

    "token": "dfe54df34b54df3a854f3a53fc85a",
    "check_sum": "14efe54d8664f34543a854f3a5213fc85a",
    "payment_status": False,
    "order_id": "244557",
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "email": "",
    "phone": "+21611222333",
    "note": "Order #123",
    "amount": 220.25